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The best makeup ideas to remove dark circles

- Categories : Make up

If lately you have noticed that in addition to waking up with dark circles, they do not go away all day and give the feeling that you are exhausted even if you are not, take action on the matter. First distinguish between bags under the eyes and dark circles, because it is not the same and they are not treated in the same way, nor is makeup used in the same way to cover one or the other.

Gema Pérez Sevilla, a surgeon and expert in facial aesthetic medicine, explains it simply: “Dark circles are dark brown or purple circles that appear under the eyes, giving our eyes a look of tiredness and premature aging. They can also be accompanied by bags on the lower eyelid. Dark circles appear due to excessive melanin production and are associated with a few hours of sleep, although the main factor behind their presence is hereditary. Age also influences its presence since, with the passage of time and the loss of elasticity of the skin, it becomes thinner and it is more common for dark circles to become more accentuated. Finally, another of the most frequent causes is an unhealthy lifestyle, that is, a poor diet and even defective lymphatic drainage.

So the first thing is to put good habits into practice to avoid minimizing dark circles as much as possible, but if you still have them, resorting to makeup is an excellent idea, as long as you know how to use it correctly, because poorly executed makeup can further amplify your dark circles, making them more visible.

Which concealer to choose to hide dark circles

To hide them, makeup artist Cristina Lobato recommends choosing fluid concealers and applying very little. The expert points out that this product can be applied directly to the skin "or over makeup, which gives you the option of correcting dark circles much more," she clarifies.

All in all, Ella Lobato reveals that the secret to covering dark circles with makeup "is in choosing the color that best neutralizes them, not so much the coverage of the makeup product used." And almost all of us tend to fail in this: in fact, the tendency, when you go to put makeup on your dark circles, is to choose a concealer that is as clear as possible to make it disappear, and that is a serious mistake. “Instead of unifying that dark circle, what you are going to get is to make it look gray and the result is going to be disastrous. Dark circles of normal intensity are corrected by using a concealer only one tone lighter than skin tone and with medium coverage. In this way we create the effect of lifting the sunken area, which is the key to concealing dark circles. It is about creating a play of light and shadow. A more visible circle under the eyes will require a concealer with greater coverage”, explains Roberto Siguero, National Makeup Artist at Lancôme, who also warns that it is essential to be very restrained with the amount used. "To avoid overdoing it and leaving it like a sticky and cracking, it is preferable, if you are not very expert, to choose a cream concealer instead of a stick," he adds.

And what happens when the dark circles are very marked? “In the case of very dark circles under the eyes, I recommend applying two concealers: one in a salmon-like tone, slightly orange, and on top of that extend a beige tone as similar to the skin undertone to hide them”, advises Lobato.

For his part, Thom Walker, creative director of Givenchy Makeup, recommends using a green concealer to reduce redness and balance the skin tone, an indigo tone to neutralize the yellowish tone and a green concealer to correct pigmentary irregularities and provide luminosity. .

Now, be very careful if what you have are not dark circles, but bags: "In that case, nothing is put on the bag, and under it a concealer with a tone lighter than that of the skin", indicates the expert of Lancôme.

The makeup application technique to hide dark circles

Just as important as knowing how to correctly choose the color of the concealer is applying it the right way if you want to erase dark circles and not make them more visible. In fact, it is common to border the entire eye socket, when this form of application is counterproductive. "To hide dark circles, the concealer should only be applied to them, focusing on the dark area, not around the entire lower eyelid, which is one of the mistakes we most frequently make, because the dark circle normally goes from the tear duct to half of the eye, more or less”, confirms Siguero.

In addition, one of the keys to make corrective makeup go unnoticed is to spread the product very well. “It can be done with your own finger or with a sponge, blending very well with little touches so that it blends into the skin and does not move. A low coverage foundation can then be applied. Even if you don't want to follow many steps and it's not a very visible dark circle, you can cover it only with a foundation, always choosing one that is matte and light. So you would apply a a single layer to unify all the imperfections and discolorations of the skin”, says Lobato.

Finally, a trick that works well is to put makeup on the eyebrows and have them very well defined, so that this upper part of the eye attracts attention and takes on more prominence, subtracting it from dark circles.

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